The project's overall goal is “Improved low-carbon, climate-resilient economies in rural areas of Kikumbulyu North for enhanced well-being of communities, especially women, girls, youth and PLWDs.”
Project target: 4,542 (3,511 f, 1031 m) participants drawn from 3,951 (2,898 MH, 1,053 FH) households in Kathyaka, Ngulu & Ndetani Sub-locations, Kibwezi West, Makueni County.

☔ Nature Plus Project Revolves around three pillars

☘ Nature-Based Solutions

☑ CA plus- Conservation Agriculture, Agroforestry
☑ Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration
☑ Improved Water Management
☑ Sustainable Livestock Management

☘ Climate Resilient Livelihoods

☑ Crop farming enterprises (Drought Tolerant Crops)
☑ Beekeeping
☑ Kitchen gardens
☑ Integrated clean energy interventions
☑ Fodder preservation
☑ Value addition and marketing.

☘ Community and landscape-level governance

☑ Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) for Community action planning
☑ Inclusive governance
☑ Women’s decision making
☑ Community/landscape-level governance structures
☑ Policy and Advocacy
☑ Gender roles, responsibilities & time use
☑ Access & control of resources
☑ GBV & GBV reporting


Nature Plus Project, Farmers Field day in Nthongoni village, Ndetani Sub location, at Pst Ambrose Mukumbu Farm In Kibwezi west - Makueni County

Nature Plus Project, Tree Growing Campaing, In Kibwezi West, Makueni County

Nature Plus Project, Planting Materials Distribution Exercise, In Kibwezi West, Makueni County



Canadian Food Grains Bank (CFGB)

Our goal is a world without hunger.
We work toward this goal by: providing food in times of crisis for hungry people in the developing world; helping people grow more food to better feed themselves and their families; and providing nutritional support to malnourished people with a focus on pregnant and breastfeeding mothers and young children.
We also advocate for public policies that enable families and communities to better feed themselves, and look for ways to engage and educate Canadians about global hunger.

croped logo

Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)

MCC is a global, nonprofit organization that strives to share God’s love and compassion for all through relief, development and peace.
As an Anabaptist organization, we strive to make peace a part of everything we do. When responding to disasters we work with local groups to distribute resources in ways that minimize conflict. In our development work we plan with community and church groups to make sure the projects meet their needs. And we advocate for policies that will lead to a more peaceful world.