Utooni Development / Our Work / Water Projects

Water Projects

The water projects are are funded by the PWRDF, APA Insurance, The Salvation Army, Sukuma Twende, and The Sahakarini

The water projects are are funded by the PWRDF, APA Insurance, The Salvation Army, Sukuma Twende and The Sahakarini
Our Water projects involve Environment Conservation and Water Harvesting through construction of sand dams, water tanks and shallow wells.
We work with groups of small holder farmers in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands which are characterized by long dry seasons which leads to water insecurity.


In 2024, 3 sand dams were constructed, in Machakos county. The sand dams harvest rain water in seasonal rivers and the water is used for domestic use and irrigation. Sand dams raise the water table on the seasonal river and a new micro climate is created making the environment better to live on even by other animals like birds.
The achievements associated with water harvesting and construction of sand dams are:-

☑ Construction of 1,573 sand dams up to date
☑ Digging of 1,874,680 metres of terraces
☑ Construction of 64 masonry water tanks


Shallow wells improve the quantity and quality of water accessed from the sand dam by community members.
The benefits of shallow wells include:-
☑ Reduced time spent queuing for water since refilling jerrycans with the hand pump takes a shorter time
☑ The risk of deep scoop holes collapsing is reduced
☑ Water contamination levels are reduced drastically.
☑ Water management can be done with ease
☑ Women and girls feel secure fetching water from the shallow well hand pump than having to enter into huge scoop holes during the dry season
☑ Animals cannot fall into the shallow well since its enclosed, unlike the scoop holes
In 2024, UDO has implemented 9 shallow wells, 5 in Makueni County and 4 in Machakos County.




The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF)

The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund is the Anglican Church of Canada’s agency for sustainable development and relief. With the support of Anglicans across Canada, PWRDF partners with organizations working to increase healthy pregnancies and births, reduce gender inequality, relieve hunger and break the cycle of poverty in the world’s most vulnerable communities. Against a backdrop of climate change, PWRDF strives to address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.</p?

Working towards a truly just, healthy and peaceful world.


The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army is an integral part of the Christian Church, although distinctive in government and practice. The Army’s doctrine follows the mainstream of Christian belief and its articles of faith emphasise God’s saving purposes. Its objects are ‘the advancement of the Christian religion… of education, the relief of poverty, and other charitable objects beneficial to society or the community of mankind as a whole.’


APA Insurance

APA Insurance was formed after the merger of the general insurance businesses of Apollo Insurance Company and Pan Africa Insurance

APA Insurance underwrites General Insurance risks such as Motor, Agriculture, Marine, and Micro Insurance. We also underwrite Individual and Family Health Insurance. Our products provide customers with peace of mind, helping both businesses and individuals to return to the same standing following a loss or other unfortunate event.



Sahakarini was established as a charity in 1979 by six Camrosians: Gordon and Mina Schieck, Norman and Eloise Umbach, and Jane and Jack Ross. Over the years we have  partnered with organizations on projects in Kenya, Tanzania, Nepal, India, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Brazil, Haiti, and Guatemala. To understand the heart of Sahakarini and to learn more, read the story of our founder’s sandals below:

Sukuma Twende

Sukuma Twende

The story of Sukuma Twende began in 2000 when a small group of cyclists took part in a charity event at the Oshwal Centre to raise funds to fence the endangered Aberdare Forest in Kenya.

​The name “Sukuma Twende” comes from two Swahili words, “Sukuma” means to ‘push’ and “Twende” means to ‘go’.” This was the exact motivation the cyclists needed, and they walked away as Winners. This solidified the group, bringing them together with common goals & interests and growing from strength to strength while helping the less fortunate members of our society.

Sukuma Twende Trust is based on FOUR pillars. They include Welfare, Sports, Environment and Education.
These are the four pillars in society that make the largest impact on a nation and have the greatest potential for positive impact.